Sarah Geisert has been at summer camp enough times to know that sometimes you forget to pack an item or two. After a creative endeavor that she and some friends are carrying out, she is ensuring her fellow adult campers at Camp Fish Tales in Pinconning won’t have to worry if that happens. Geisert and campers and Midland residents Doug Dean and Joe Dopp, along with Deb and Mike Stark of Midland, spent several hours Tuesday at Cultivate Coffee and Tea in the Midland Mall, assembling shower kits to be provided to Camp Fish Tales campers who need them this summer. “I thought it would be a great idea to put some shower kits together,” Geisert explained while adding tubes of toothpaste to gallon ziploc bags as part of an assembly-line process with the other four people. Geisert is looking forward to attending camp in the first summer session June 4-9. In the meantime, she hopes to fill at least 100 shower kits, and donations for the kits are being collected at St. John’s Lutheran Church in Midland through May 14. Each kit includes a toothbrush, toothpaste, comb, shampoo, washcloth and goat soap, along with a laminated card that contains an explanatory note about the kit and the businesses and organizations that have donated to it.